Saturday, 11 November 2017

Getting the best when entering the marketplace.

You have spent years burning candles, sleepless nights reading, tedious lessons and assignments done. Project topics assigned and completed. Finally, you are about to hit the labour market.
However, cropping up within you is tension, questions such as; what is in the future for me? Will i get a good job? How long will i wait to get one? Would my employers be nice to me, etc?

Life is filled with different stages: conception, childhood, teenage, adults etc. A significant and most important entry to the adult stage especially for the educated is the passing out from the college/university into the working stage (the market place).

Every human being has talents, skills and potentials that are treated to acquire resources such as money etc. This resources comes in form of salaries, commissions, dividends, profits etc. Likewise the resources at one's disposal is equally used in procuring needed necessities of life such as shelter, transportation, feeding, entertainment and providing for our family, we in turn reward those involved in providing these needs.

It is thus normal for one setting out into the marketplace to be concerned for his lot. However, mere concern and worries do not bring food to the table nor lay the bed. As you lay your bed so you lie on it.

These steps below help in placing a person setting out into the marketplace to get the best out of it.

1. Identify your strengths: Yes you may have studied physiology in school but dont be fooled into thinking that is where your competitive advantage lies. Your true edge in the marketplace is your inner strenghts unique to you.

Are you an extrovert with great communication skills and a pleasant personality that attracts people to you: you do have a great skill for a communication role, sales role and the likes. If on the other hand, you are an introvert who likes to keep to himself, detail oriented and organized; you may be a great asset for a role that involves documenting, observation, accounting, auditing or organization.
The above examples are just a simplified example; however, the main point is that you identify your stregths and project such in the market place rather than relying solely on your paper qualifications.

2. Convert your strength to a product/service platform
As we have noted in the first point, after you have identified your stregth/passion unique to you. You need to covert it to a product/service platform.

Lets say for example you have a stregth/passion for cooking; could you convert that to a service such as producing food/snacks for people in your community and getting paid for it. Or maybe you could start by working for a restaurant to learn the processes of making money out of such passion/strength.

3. Market it
You have identified your strengths and then you have gone further to converting it to a product or a service platform or at least getting into a place where you learn to do that. The next thing is to make such product or service from your talent/skill known to the real market; those who need it and are willing and able to pay to get it.

This may include you sharing your service/product on the social media, talking about it to your peer group, social class, family alumni etc. The world must know what you offer. The value and reward earned from your strength, skills, product/service is equivalent to the numbers of people who patronise you and that is determined by those who are aware of it in the first place.

4. Learn to receive
It may seem an obvious fact that we should know how to receive for service/products offered but i can tell you from experience that this is where many are lacking. Despite prevailing misconception believe that there is abundance for you as much as you want and you will receive it. So learn to receive earnings, rewards for your efforts.

The process of receiving starts with:
i. Adequate pricing of your service; when in a learning atmosphere as an apprentice you might be modest in your pricing, but when you have finetuned your service, learn to price your product to ensure you are profitable and sustainable. If in an employee position, do not be afraid to ask a salary equivalent to the best offered in your industry.
ii. Open payment channels: As a graduate you should have a savings account where you save earnings and receive earnings of your service, and then a current account that allows payments such as cheques from corporate entities and even dividends to be able to be paid to your account.
Taking it further if as a business person; registering your business with the Corporate Affairs Commission and opening a corporate account is the ideal. This is the professional way that allows business dealings with reputable companies.

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