Friday, 26 August 2016


In this interesting and revealing interview, Mrs Yinka Lawson, wife of Mr Kolapo Lawson, CEO of Lawsons Corporation, Chairman, Agbara Estates Ltd, Acorn Petroleum among other companies answered Poised Corp questions on important issues such as religion, marriage, wealth etc

 Have a nice read
(Pics inserted is Mrs Lawson and husband Mr Kolapo Lawson)

Poised Corp:         Why did you set up a farm?
Yinka Lawson:       I didn’t set it up the farm it is owned by Grailland.

Poised Corp:         Tell us about Grailland.
Yinka Lawson  Grailland is a community of adherents of the message. The                 Grail message explains creation tells us about the laws of                                  the Almighty, the truth.
                         So the farm is set up as a support for Grailland its 100%                            owned by Grailland, I just happen to be at this point in time                   the                   person helping to run it, there are so many capable                hands. 

Poised Corp:         Tell us about yourself.
Yinka Lawson:       My late parent gave birth to five of us, two of my siblings                                           have passed on. I am an Electrical Engineer. I am married to                                                Mr. Kolapo Lawson and we have six children.

Poised Corp:         You studied where?
Yinka Lawson:       Duke University, North Carolina, USA.

Poised Corp:         That was when?
Yinka Lawson:       In the 70s, quite an experience, I was the only lady and the                                       only black in my year, I followed my late sister. She also                                             did engineering, I am the second, she got an African                                                             Scholarship.

Poised Corp:         Its not common seeing females study engineering what                                                was responsible for you both studying engineering?
Yinka Lawson:       My father worked as a Director at NEPA, actually what I                                            wanted to do was mathematics but my father said I should                                       have a profession.
                                    I also had an aunt who also was an engineer, she worked at                                                 Shell.
                                    Now you have more females studying engineering unlike                                         those days my major was engineering and my minor was                                         computer science. It was very interesting it had a lot of                                               mathematics.

Poised Corp:         You are originally from?
Yinka Lawson:       I am from Ondo town but married to Lawson.

Poised Corp:         So how did you meet your husband?
Yinka Lawson:       That’s private (laughs) 

Poised Corp:         So you came back after graduating?
Yinka Lawson:       After graduating I worked briefly at NEPA. I chose not to be                                                 a career person and take care of my children. 

Poised Corp:         Your family is renowned for business.
Yinka Lawson:       Yes my father in-law, Chief Adeyemi Lawson, my husband                                       Kolapo Lawson being the only son took over from him in                                          business.

Poised Corp:         From studying electrical engineering to getting into                                           agriculture, what is the connection?
Yinka Lawson:       Did I choose agriculture or agriculture chose me? Well, I                                            have always been interested in food. When my children                                            were growing up they schooled abroad and we lived abroad.
                                   I did exhibitions in Europe on African works when I                                            came back I started doing Aso Oke. 

                                    I was talking to someone someday and we were talking                                              about agriculture. The agriculture I really wanted to do is                                          getting youths into agriculture doing training programmes                                         maybe I didn’t meet the right people they didn’t want to get                                          their hands dirty.

Poised Corp:         Tell us about the exhibitions you did in Europe.
Yinka Lawson:       I did African designs, my umbrellas were sold at the Royal                                        Academy of Arts at the African Exhibition.

Poised Corp:         Going back to how you got to the farm...
Yinka Lawson:       Grailland has a farm in Jos and were looking for whom to                               manage it and my husband also wanted a business to take                             care of this place. I was talking to another friend and we                          were talking about agriculture, giving people land to                                         cultivate, train them but that didn’t work out so I decided to                           go ahead and we set up the green houses. We produce                                           tomatoes, onions...

Poised Corp:         Why are the plants shielded with the green houses?
Yinka Lawson:       To control the environment so they produce better yield.

Poised Corp:         Your market?
Yinka Lawson:       We supply Shoprite, restaurants, hotels and shops.

Poised Corp:         Do you still do the Aso Oke?
Yinka Lawson:       Sometimes some friends come and say no no so I just do the                                                minimal. 

Poised Corp:         On the farm?
Yinka Lawson:       This is still a pilot we are still expanding, we have a lot of                                           land. All over the world agriculture is the future because the                                   population is growing.
                                    We grow organically because we don’t want to damage the                                       soil for the next generations like you. So we are very                                                    conscious.

Poised Corp:         So talking about sustainability for the future...
Yinka Lawson:       My father told me that if you do something and it brings                                                you momentary gain it is of no value . No matter                                             what you do have the next generation in mind.

Poised Corp:         And that is evident in your family (Lawson) where there                                  is successful wealth sustainability.
Yinka Lawson:       My husband is a very big believer in building something for                                                 the future, for posterity.
                                    The whole of the Grailland was built by my father-in-law                                          and he brought the Grail message to Nigeria. He found the                                        book in Austria, he read it and he said this is what I have                                               been looking for, he contacted the headquarter. 

Poised Corp:         Before then he goes to church?
Yinka Lawson:       Yes

Poised Corp:         The Grail message; A lot people are like is it Christianity                                   or?
Yinka Lawson:       It is a combination of the truth, it’s a Christianity because                                           it’s a follow up of our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s like you are in                                         school, from nursery to primary and to secondary.
                                    Grail message is based on three laws; (i) Law of reaping                                                and sowing: You can’t plant yam and expect corn or                                            pawpaw. (ii)Law of gravity; anything that is heavy and                                       dense will fall and anything that is light and pure will                                           rise (iii) Like attracts like; birds of the same feathers                                               flock together, you don’t see a tiger in a pack of lions.                                               Thieves will be friends of thieves. Good people will walk                                       with good people, hardworking people walk with                                                         hardworking people.

Poised Corp:         The rich walk with the rich.
Yinka Lawson:       I don’t know what you mean by rich, everybody is rich. If                                         you have material thing you are a custodian of this wealth                                        and you use it for the honour of the Creator. We are all rich                                           when you look at it.

Poised Corp:         Yes I was just making reference to one of the laws that                                      ‘like attracts like’.
Yinka Lawson:       Yes the ‘rich people; the custodians of the wealth will                                         meet other custodians the important thing is that you                                        use that wealth to the honour of him who gave it to you                                            remembering that it is not yours, so wealth is not about                                         how many cars you have or how many houses you have                                                 or how many jewelries you wear.
                                    Wealth is about how you have furthered creation,                                                     you are a guest. Creation is the work of the Almighty                                           God and we are just custodians.
                                    If you go to my house and I say you shouldn’t go there and                                       you say you must, I will throw you out of my house, that’s                                        just the way it is.

Poised Corp:         Who owns the farm?
Yinka Lawson:       Its 100% owned by the Grail.

Poised Corp:         Your most important values?
Yinka Lawson:       I pray every morning that the Lord should show me the step                                   to take in furthering the fulfillment of my purpose.
                                    There is no human being here on earth that doesn’t have a                                       purpose. There is no one that the Lord hasn’t endowed. He                                      endowed all of us and the endowment; the gifts: I have to                                                 use it properly until I move on and if you move on which                                                 you call die, it’s like taking off a garment to wear another                                              garment in other plane in another creation. It’s all what the                                          Grail message has opened my eyes to.

Poised Corp:         Before you got married, what were you practicing?
Yinka Lawson:       I was an Anglican and I went to catholic school I was already                                   convinced about the Grail message because if you read it                                           you will be convinced.

Poised Corp:         How do you keep up with the busy lifestyle of your                                                husband; Mr. Kolapo Lawson?
Yinka Lawson:       There is always a balance. One has to give in for the other. I                                      see to my horror now two career people no matter how                                            much you try to balance it is not easy, someone has to give                                        in.
                                    I saw the stress he was under and he is still under and I                                             decided to give in to take care of the family.

Poised Corp:         So he is still very busy till now?
Yinka Lawson:       Yes when a bird is flying, to remain up, it has to keep                                            flapping and that is one thing the message has taught                                         us.
                                    When people retire they die quickly so it is continuous                                               activity but there has to be a balance between ennobling                                            your work, spiritualizing it and that will give you the                                                balance. I chose not to be a career person and my children                                                have turned out well and I’m grateful to Almighty. I have 5                                              sons of my six children and they were schooling in England                                           and we lived there.

Poised Corp:         You seem to like nature.
Yinka Lawson:       From the Grail message now I’ve learnt how things grow.                                          I’ve learnt that there are nature helpers in the environment                                             that are not visible to everybody who grow foods and if you                                            keep the environment as natural as it is they stay there, they                                   help you grow the things.

                                    You see how our farm is growing, I feel the beings all                                          around and when I come here I feel an inner peace.

Poised Corp:         There is serenity here.
Yinka Lawson:       Last week a Chinese lady came here she said she couldn’t                                          believe this kind of place exists here. She was taking                                                    photos, she said she will bring her friends.
                                    So the balance, the peace. Yesterday we saw a deer coming                                       out, we see squirrels, rabbits...

Poised Corp:         Its ideal for a tourist/relaxation center.
Yinka Lawson:       Its more than relaxation, it’s a place for inner searching,                                  when you come here you can ask yourself what life is all                                   about and you will get the answers you realize that life                                        can be beautiful. 

                                    We need to recognize that human beings are like shavings                                        of a coal very small in the whole essence.

Poised Corp:         But the Great achievers have great impact.
Yinka Lawson:       The impact is minute when compared to the whole                                                 universe. For example somebody thinks he is big in Nigeria                                      and he gets to India nobody knows him. Even Jonathan or                                           even Buhari if he goes to some places where they haven’t                                         heard of him and he talks they will ask who are you? And                                           that’s even in this plane, everyday science discovers there                                         are many more planets.

Poised Corp:         So with this knowledge there will be no pride and greed                                   and all...

Yinka Lawson:       Yes, we will know that whatever you do it’s the Almighty                                          permitting you.
Poised Corp:         But everyday living entails competition and strivings                                         for survival of the fittest.
Yinka Lawson:       The message has taught us to maximize anything that                                         comes your way but make sure you do not hurt your                                           fellow human beings but sometimes you see absolute                                           wickedness. 

                                    People plotting to bring down other people just to get up                                          but they don’t get up, it might look okay for a while but it will                                       crash.
                                    If we work together the whole place will be beautiful if we                                        support each other, it’s doable, on Grail we have tenant                                              farmers, we teach them how to cultivate and we sell to the                                              end users.
                                    We give them the seed and we know expected production.

Poised Corp:         That means the youths can partake.
Yinka Lawson:       Yes, you met the two young people there, they are                                                agronomist, they both have two degrees. We are hoping to                                       go for exports; vegetables, tomatoes. Canning them doing                                          juices... I mean processing and adding value. I’m hoping                                       that in 10 years you won’t recognize this place.
                                    Unfortunately, the oil has ruined us, one of the things I told                                      my children is that there is no disgrace in getting your                                                hands dirty, the only disgrace is if you are lazy.

                                  Nobody should be poor, the Lord has blessed us with so                                much so you must get involved, nothing is below anybody.                      One of the most interesting thing I noticed about the                                          agronomists is that when the workers are working they join                             them.

Poised Corp:         Your advice to youth starting out in life
Yinka Lawson:       Two countries that I’ve stood out in my mind amongst the                                        countries I’ve visited are India and Israel. The reason is                                              because a lot of their industries are based on cottage so                                       youths should not sit around waiting for that big company                                              to give them a job, a car, think of something you can do and                                           start it up , I read about people starting something and big                                               companies buying them up and giving them shares and so                                               on. 

Poised Corp:         So what challenges do you face in the business?
Yinka Lawson:       Sometimes we have lazy workers, sometimes we produce                                        things and we can’t sell all of it so I’m beginning to look at                                          the storage. Last week we had the water pump broke.
                                    I was reading an article by Diezengoff (the company that                                           produces the green house) and it said that one of the                                                  problems of Nigeria farming is too much water for the soil,                                       erosion and things like that. 

                                    I believe that no matter the challenge we can overcome it.                                         Once you get into something it should be your intention to                                       develop it. 

                                    My daughter (Nibi Lawson). is a chartered accountant and                                       she works with her father, she started producing natural                                          hair care products because she too is concerned about our                                              health and about the chemicals we put on our body through                                          the hair, she wakes up up mixes her things before going to                                             work so there are too many possibilities. 

                                    I see a lot of people saying they can’t find a job, there is a                                           lady that produces plantain chips and is doing well. Its only                                                 a lazy person looking around for somebody to give them                                              one big contract so we have to be out of the box. 

Poised Corp:         So who are your markets?
Yinka Lawson:       We do Shoprites, hotels, restaurants, individuals etc. it                                               doesn’t take that much capital to start it. 

Poised Corp:         Could you remember your NYSC experience.
Yinka Lawson:       It was in 1976, the camp was dirty. I think something should                                  be done about the environment.

Poised Corp:         Your observation of today’s youth.
Yinka Lawson:       I see youths who want to make it big immediately. I think                           youths should have a 5 years plan, 10 years plan it guides                                        them.

                                    You should be able to start small.